#BloggersFestival ~ Conrad St James ~ The Blonde B

16 September 2016

#BloggersFestival ~ Conrad St James

The #BloggersFestival was held at the Conrad St James, in West London this year.

After the success of the #BloggersBall in June, I couldn't wait to get my hands on a pair of tickets to the #BloggersFestival, once again hosted by the stunning Scarlett London.

It was a grey and rainy day in London, but the air was still humid. I could definitely feel the changing of the seasons as soon as we hit September.

Like a punch in the stomach autumn was here, which seemed like the perfect excuse to crack out this autumnal number from Boohoo with over-sized sleeves like a bat ready to take flight - is it Halloween yet?

The usually busy Summer streets were mostly empty as we arrived at St James Park. We had a short distance to run through the rain to the Conrad St James.

I wasn't as nervous as I had been in June, I knew what to expect and felt mostly excited to meet new brands, bloggers and babes.

Forget your silly hats and funny props photo booth... We were greeted by the most amazing Kim Kardashian eat-your-heart-out replica white rose wall which I was ready to tear down and run off with to install at home.

It was a bloggers paradise and the perfect spot for selfies and photo opportunities.

Scarlett was practically Kim K posing with almost everyone for photos in front of the wall, the girl was in demand and rightly so!

(it comes up quite big, so you could order a size down)

Sweets and bubbles were served for this perfect occasion. 

Scarlett likes creating an inviting atmosphere's for bloggers to meet bloggers and for bloggers to meet brands, for everyone to feel relaxed as meeting a whole new bunch of people can sometimes be scary, especially if you were arriving alone which so many bloggers were.

The cutest stall award simply must go to Jewellery Box UK I mean it's like a dressing room paradise. 

If only I could get the rose wall and the Jewellery Box UK set up and I would be sorted!

Keep an eye out in the next couple of weeks for their new Karma Moments jewellery pieces. 

I've been invited to their launch so I will keep you posted on that one, but here is a sneak preview of some of their collection. 

The event brings together a host of different brands, some that suit you and some that don't. 

Alflorex were there to treat symptoms of IBS and Lipivir to treat cold sores, neither of which I suffer from but it's good to know brands in all different shapes and sizes are happy to work with bloggers. 

I must admit it was a great event but it was largely underwhelming compared to the #BloggersBall in size and amount of people. This was a more intimate, private affair where you could actually speak to brands without being pushed or moved along or crammed into a corner.

It was a much more inviting atmosphere but I did feel there weren't as many bloggers present.

PNY create portable charging packs and they had set up their own little charging station.

They were nice, but I'm afraid when you invite two brands who design portable chargers to an event you can't help but compare them to each other.

We later tried VARTA and their portable chargers are much more premium, high quality and smaller. Something I most certainly needed at Leeds Festival the week before. Sorry PNY!

My battery did die on my camera, ironic I know, so I didn't capture the wonderful Varta products but you can check them out here.

There was a lot of hype surrounding new company GoSend which may have had something to do with their $250 giveaway (which included Kylie lip gloss) or it may have something to do with the fact that they promise US goods at US prices and will ship it to the UK for you.

Imagine paying US prices for MAC make-up in the UK. Dream!

However, I think I am going to have to try before I recommend. I'm not 100% convinced by the concept, they failed to mention how much the shipping would cost oh and as a side note you also have to pay income tax when it arrives in the UK. So not sure how much cheaper you can realistically get US goodies.

I think I'd rather go shopping in New York for the weekend instead.

Okay I need to tell you about Friction Free Shaving or FFS, for short. Not only because I have tried their razors (and they are amazing) but they are finally bringing importance to women's shavers.

Ladies I think you know what I am talking about right?

I'm tired of paying for expensive female shavers and getting a closer cut using my boyfriend's. How come men get a closer shave than women?

Also, how come women don't have a subscription programme for new razors to be sent to you every month or so?

Well FFS is the answer to all your problems.

More on this later at a later date.

Have you also heard of David Hampton?

I hadn't but I feel in love. 

A family run business which make high quality leather goods based in Richmond. I met the daugther Tessa and she's adorable and I can't believe I hadn't heard of them before. 

I also got to speak to the lovely Charlotte from Body Chef which I embarrassingly confused with Diet Chef, but they are not the same thing.

Body Chef is THE original diet plan sent directly to your door.

I'm really not a fan of getting food delivered to you. Part of the fun of cooking is shopping for the ingredients and coming out with ten thousand more items than you actually needed.

But as the Winter months roll in and we are on the look out for Winter Sun it may be the ideal way to shed a few pounds.

Especially as we never seem to plan our meals and end up eating whatever frozen stuff is in the freezer or ordering take out.

Watch this space!

There's me talking of dieting and healthy eating and I most definitely went and stuffed one of these greasy sliders straight after.


Body Chef SOS.

As I mentioned a much smaller event but equally enjoyable.

I can't quite believe I made the rookie mistake of not double checking my camera was on charge the night before so there were a ton of other brands which I met and loved but no photos to show for.

But here they are:

Heaven by Deborah Mitchell


7th Heaven Face Masks

If you are planning on going to the next one, please let me know I would love to come with you!