Glasses On Spec ~ The Blonde B

8 October 2016

Glasses On Spec

One thing that I have been asked most frequently is "what actually is blogging?"

Maybe it's because I have been more open in speaking about my blog with friends and family (whereas before it used to be the big elephant in the room) or maybe because I have kicked it up a notch this Summer and I have been blogging like crazy. So maybe people are starting to notice.

For those of you asking, The Blonde B is a a blog, i.e: a website, where I can share my loves, inspirations and recommendations. It is a hub for those hungry for food, fashion, travel and lifestyle and a place where inspiration can breathe.

I have worked with a few brands on certain posts but all of the content is mine. All of the opinions are mine and all of the recommendations are 100% truthful. I would not do or share something on here which I didn't think was worth mentioning.

Truth is, I love filling these pages with my life and adventures. I don't want to bore my friends on Facebook with ten thousand picture from my trip to London so this is my little haven.

The other truth is, I have a day job working in marketing which I also really adore and this takes up a lot more of my time, naturally.

Writing a blog is very time-consuming. Everything on here I have done myself, from editing the photos, writing the entries, googling how to edit HTML code to format the website, tweaking the web design until reaching a look & feel I am happy with (this may never happen) and so on and so on. I want to share (almost) everything with you, like a virtual diary which I can look back on in years to come. It just takes time.

So this newest entry is a little delayed, but nonetheless important.

It was one of the last Sundays of September and keen not to be a total Autumn-bunny just yet, I suggested a good old fashioned drive through the countryside.

My Mini wheels had (finally) been washed, cleaned, polished and shined. She had that new car smell and knowing it wouldn't last forever, I was eager to make the most of it.

The sun was low in the sky casting a chilly breeze but not cold enough to stop us from putting the roof down.

With our seat warmers on, glasses in check and top down we played a game of chase the light through the trees.

My Mini and I have been together for about 18 months now and I am still in love with her.

Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted three things in a car a) for it to be red b) for it to be a convertible c) for it to be a mini.

Two out of three ain't that bad.

She was a little on the expensive side when I bought her, but I don't regret it for one second. She made my long commute to and from work a dream and I still enjoy climbing in her each day, turning on Radio 1 and driving to work.

A 2011 Mini Cooper SD of the highest spec with Union Jack wing mirrors which all but muddy's the waters as Mini is now owned by BMW.

A German cleverly disguising as a Brit.

The engine is BMW (which is why she costs an arm and a leg probably) and is a 2L diesel turbo charged (which means she goes fast, really quickly).

She is the smoothest drive I have ever owned, but she also has a wicked side thanks to the turbo charge.

I only have to put my foot down slightly on the gas pedal and she roars through the traffic, whizzing down the motorway before realising I am breaking several speed limits!

I opted for an automatic because why the hell would you not? It is a thousand times easier than manual and a helluva lot safer, in my opinion. I stalled waaay too many times in dangerous places whilst learning to drive and the British traffic with a manual car is just a headache.

I can still drive manual though. That's why my Mini is amazing. All I have to do is push my gear stick to the left and manual sport mode is engaged with 6 gears to choose from.

So if I ever want to pretend to be a racer boy, all I need to do is push left.

Best of all she is small enough to park easily and big enough to take your friends out.

Just make sure you have another car with a bigger boot if you ever need to take more than one suitcase with you to the airport.

She also matches perfectly well with my new prescription sunglasses from Glasses On Spec. 

My first ever pair of prescription sunglasses, what do you think?

No longer am I forced to wear contact lenses whilst driving in the sun which make my eyes all dry and irritated, but contact lenses and my eyes are a whole other story!

In a world of online shopping, Glasses on Spec is the ultimate lazy guide to glasses.

For a girl like me, who has worn glasses since the age of 13 and whose prescription hasn't really changed in over 12 years (touch wood!) Glasses on Spec is a dream.

I'm not a designer-whore when it comes to glasses because I usually break them after a couple of years which is also a perfect excuse to update my design without breaking the bank.

So when my glasses broke and I was wearing my back-up back-up glasses from like 5 years ago, I was in desperate need of a new pair. 

The only issue was is that my opticians is still in Spain (if it's not broke, don't fix it) and I wasn't going home for a while and I was just too lazy to visit a British opticians and go through the pain-staking eye test once more to be told what I already knew. 

So when I saw an advert for Glasses on Spec and spoke to Mr William Luff I couldn't have been more relieved. 

My new glasses arrived within a week and I couldn't have been happier with the results. 

And guess what? I did this all from the comfort of my bed (well desk, I'm not in bed all day, although being horizontal is always nice). 

William Luff is such a cool guy, what you would call a glasses nerd, if ever such thing did exist. He hand makes most of his glasses so you could say you were receiving a one-of-a-kind pair.

He recommended a classic over-sized rim to suit my chipmunk cheeks.

And even threw in a pair of prescription sunglasses too just for me to try out as he wasn't sure he liked the design.

That's the problem with geniuses, they just don't know how good they are! Which made me love Glasses on Spec even more.

But do you want to know what's cooler than cooler than cooler than all of that?

I'm not sure you can handle it.

It is a pretty epic revelation on a universal scale...

Any ideas?

...Oh go on then, you twisted my arm...

Guess who created Harry Potter's glasses?

Need I say more?

Google it and let me know who the designer is (*CHEEKY GRIN*).

[Interlude whilst you quickly Google "Who designed Harry Potter's glasses?" Gasp in shock horror]

What do you think about Glasses on Spec now?

For those of you even too lazy to open a new tab to Google it, click here.

Pretty neat huh?

I'm wearing glasses designed by the same dude who designed Harry Potter's glasses ~ most definitely gives you bragging rights forevermore.

Come join the Harry Potter Club with me over at Glasses on Spec. They deliver worldwide, so nobody is excluded!

We stopped off at Longbridge Mill to catch a pint in the last patch of sun we could find until we rendered it too cold! 

Longbridge Mill have a new menu and if their garlic dough balls are anything to go by the rest of the food is going to be glorious. Can't wait to try! 

Stay tuned for more!