World SBK, Milwaukee BMW ~ The Blonde B

25 October 2016

World SBK, Milwaukee BMW

The real reason I was in Spain was because I was working.

No, seriously.

I spent a couple of days at home, caught up with friends and family before driving down to Jerez for the remainder of my week.

Milwaukee Power Tools are the official sponsor of SMR (Shaun Muir Racing) who had two riders in the Superbikes World Championships, or SBK for short.

Milwaukee had a stand set up at every single European race and I was lucky enough to come lend a hand at Jerez, for the last race of the European leg.

When my family found out, they all came out in full-force. JoBro traveled down from Madrid, the parents and Nanna drove up from Malaga, all with Milwaukee tops blazing in full support!

If you've never been to the Superbikes or Motos GP, for that matter, it is a pretty fun day out (even if you are working).

And if you've never sat on a motorbike before... then you can do all of this right here.

Every middle-aged man's fantasy.

If your fantasy is Nanna Pat!

And who's wouldn't be?

She's adorable.

The hippest grandma in town!

I can honestly say, motorbikes, formula 1 or anything that races with an engine have never really interested me.

Until you see them race.

The entire paddock and circuit is filled with the zoom zoom of bikes racing and practicing round the track. Up to 200 km/h they go and I can't begin to explain to you how loud and fast they are!

My head got used to the constant blaring of engines and the constant banging of tunes. Conveniently situated opposite the SBK stage, I learnt a lot about the races. The presenter Michael was a genius when it came to bikes, he knew everything and everyone for that matter.

No, seriously. Like every single rider he knew by name and their family members, including their grandparents, aunts, uncles!

When the races were not going on, you could find us at the Milwaukee stand.

Meeting guests, playing games and generally just oozing good vibes all round!

We then met Sam who kindly enough took us on the garage tour and endured my family's ten thousand questions. We had hardly made it through the door until the poor guy was quizzed on just about everything. 

I gotta hand it to the guy though, he knew his stuff!

We were one rider down, due to illness. Poor Karel Abraham was cooped up in bed with high fever. But we luckily bumped into Josh Brookes, the 2015 British Superbike Champion and of course, cue the cheesy celeb photo!

The final race in Europe took place on Sunday under the glorious October sun. Majority of people in the paddock would head to the roof above the garages where you could get a clear view of the race start and majority of the track.

It was by far the best place to watch it.

The track weaved around the long rectangular building, so people would run from one side to the other as bikes zoomed passed bends, crashed into the sand and over-took each other.

This was much more exciting than Formula 1!

SBK is very old school, the riders have no radio communication with their team. They rely on messages being passed on to them on big billboards when they pass the grid section.

Top contenders crash out, technical faults happen and you really don't know who is going to win!

The winner by far in this race was Chaz Davies, a Welshman which my gran although knowing nothing of bikes, jumped up and down and was over the moon.

Because he was Welsh, of course!

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the SBK. I think I may even call myself a fan! It was so amazing being home in Spain, surrounded by Spanish-speaking, Spanish food and all the joys that come with living under the sun. 

Later that evening, we all went our separate ways. My brother back up to Madrid and I drove back with my parents before flying back to London that evening. 

Until next Familia Burt adventures!