Champagne and Steak Mondays ~ The Blonde B

30 April 2014

Champagne and Steak Mondays

As you are probably aware, Monday nights are a pretty big deal at Casa Burt. It has always been our designated family dinner time and Daddy usually creates something magical in the kitchen! 

I've been absent the last couple of weeks, I apologize. Unfortunately, illness got the better of me and I spent all of Semana Santa (Easter week in Spain) in bed with an infection. I'm not one to give in to sickness but I literally couldn't get out of bed.

But I'm all better now and have come back fighting! 

The weather in Spain is seriously hotting up now that we are nearing May and the evenings have just been glorious! 

I thought it would be the perfect time to debut our terrace for 2014. 
 Would you believe me if I told you it was 8:30pm right now?
When I got home from uni the table was already beautifully set. 
 Then Daddy cracked open the champagne
Vino tinto (Abadía Mantrus, Joven Crianza Ribera del Duero) for him
Bubbles for the ladiez

Do you always need a special occasion to drink champagne?
 Certainly not!
That's the rule in our household
Then it was finally time to sit down and relax.
"Did you hear about George Clooney getting engaged Charlotte?" 
"Oh c'mon Mummy! I know I'm gullible, but I'm no fool!"
"It's the truth! The Daily Mail said so!"
"He's gay anyways" Daddy interrupted. 
"Only joking! Smile ladies!" he said.
Not too seductive now Kim!
He was feeling left out, so it was kisses for Daddy 
And biting?
  Okay, too much guys!

Can you guess what was on the menu tonight?
Of course it was steak! I am a bit of a carnivore after all...
Not just any steak though. 

Oh no!

This was Tournedos Rossini. 

My favourite meal ever!
Fillet steak served on a crouton, topped with pâté
and drizzled drenched in Madeira demi-glace sauce. 
Oh I almost forgot about the supporting artists at our main event: the vegetables

Baby new potatoes with rosemary and garlic
 Cauliflower cheese
 Pumkin mash
Yummy Yummy Yummy
Champagne and fillet steak = absolute perfection. 
Time to dig in!
We had all had a very busy day yesterday working at Bogarts Restaurant so this whole evening was well deserved. I love Monday nights!
The table cleared, all that was left was for us to finish our drinks as the first stars started twinkling in the beautiful clear nights sky.
Oh and we may or may not have had some Amaretto on the rocks to finish the evening off...


  1. I could just eat this all over again! Thank you Mark for such a delicious feast! You really did spoil your girlies on e again!!
