My blog is my own personal virtual diary. It's a place I can fill with my very own stories, pictures, recommendations and recipes.
When a lot of my family and friends don't live in the same country - blogging is the easiest way to tell them all about my latest going-ons without having to text them every 5minutes or update my status on Facebook. Especially when I don't have time to FaceTime them on a regular basis.
Not everyone will want to read it and I've had mixed reviews, but that's okay. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Through blogging I've had my eyes opened to a whole new world.
I've always loved writing, but I've become addicted to writing my blog and addicted to reading other people's blogs.
People are so fascinating and it just goes to show everybody is different. I love reading other people's views, recipes and recommendations on life, love, fashion, beauty, food and a whole bunch of other topis!
23 April 2015
19 April 2015
Gibraltar Airport (Sorry Malaga!)
If you've never been to Gibraltar, flying out of their airport is a pretty good way to see it.
The big Rock stands tall and proud at the edge of the water, looking down at all who passes the border into the tiny piece of land.
The impressive back-drop is inhabited by Barbary macaques, i.e: really really naughty monkeys (even naughtier than the ones I met at Longleat!) and is enriched with tons of history which dates back to the year 711!!!
It also has one of the scariest airports to fly to/from in the world!
So when your other half is terrified of flying - what better airport to depart from?
14 April 2015
Steak on the Stone at El Coto
11 April 2015
10 April 2015
Extensions by Pepi
My hair doesn't grow
Mi pelo no crece
No seriously, it gets to about shoulder-length and it decides to just stop.
No en serio, me crece hasta los hombros y ya nada, mi pelo decide detenerse
I'm so jealous of all my school friends who seemed to have sprouted mermaid hair over the last 5 years, whilst mine... well, mine is still the same.
Tengo envidia de todas mis amigas del cole a las que le han crecido una melena de sirena en los ultimos 5 aƱos, y yo...pues, sigo igual.
I go through phases of liking my shoulder-lenght hair, easy to manage and style, cool in the summer.
Hay periodos cuando me encanta mi pelo corto, facil de manejar y en verano, no me entra tanto el calor.
Then wishing I had long beautiful Blake Lively hair, her cool Californian-style curls just flaunting themselves at me on the red carpet.
Pero otras veces tengo una ganas de tener el pelo de Blake Lively: su melena rubia con rizos largos a lo California de las cual presume en la alfombra roja.
I get so bored of waiting for my hair to grow! Thank god for miracle extensions!
Me aburro esperando a que mi pelo crezca! Gracias a Dios existen las extensiones!
My Favourite Post This Week
The Sun Inn, Dummer
It amazes me in this country how you can go from a busy city center to relative desolate country-side with the turn of a corner. If