The weather in Marbella is scorching.
Not a cloud in the sky!
It's just the right warmth for an Easter Sunday stroll to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and rosie my cheeks.
Just the right weather that convinced me I needed a new pair of wedges (any excuse!) to match my new sailor stripes
After lunch, we found a nice little spot on the rocks to rest our legs and catch some rays!
This weekend had been all about catching up with family which left little time to bronze my skin.
My mother-daughter Pandora necklace glistened in the sun and matched pretty perfectly with my white and blue stripes don't you think?
Available here
The sun was glorious, albeit a little too hot!
My skin was getting a little prickly and I did not want to burn!
So we shuffled out of the sun and dipped under the shade of some pine trees
My arms were definitely a bit pinky by now
Sailor Stripes Dress from Asos
Shoes from Mulberry Factory Shop
Woke up next morning with bright pink arms and a lobster face to match. I know I said red matched my white and blue stripes but this isn't what I had in mind...
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