Veuve Clicquot & Vodka Shots ~ The Blonde B

6 February 2014

Veuve Clicquot & Vodka Shots

How do my civilized dinner parties always end up in messy affairs? 
Yo no sé cómo en mis cenas sofisticadas siempre acabamos mal.

I blame Rachel. Yup. It's all her fault!
Culpó a Rachel. Sip. Ella tiene la culpa!

This is post is from quite a while back... Sorry it's so late! 
Está entrada llega un poco tarde... Lo siento!

After spending New Year in Edinburgh, I took advantage of being in the Kingdom and made my way to London before flying home. My London friends were missing me and I needed to catch up on all their lives and gossip. 
Tras celebrar el Año Nuevo en Edinburgo, aproveché el tiempo que tenía en el Reino Unido, antes de regresar a casa, para bajar a Londres y ver a mis amigos londinenses. Me echaban todos de menos y yo necesitaba recapitular sobre sus vidas y enterarme de los cotilleos!

Rachel had kindly offered up her house, so whilst we got ready, her housemate, Will, did all the cooking (THANK YOU). 
Rachel ofreció su casa para celebrar la cena y mientras nosotras nos arreglabamos, su compañero de casa, Will, cocinó (MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS). 

I am just taking a minute to announce to the world that Krysha is looking at the camera!!! (She never looks at the camera)
Necesito tomar esta oportunidad para deciros que Krysha está mirando la cámara!!! (Nunca mira la cámara)
We had a glorious feast of roast chicken, roast vegetables and stuffing!
Comimos un banquete de pollo asado, verduras al horno y stuffing (el relleno de pollo)!
And for dessert we had lemon tart, chocolates and Veuve Clicquot, very kindly provided by Alex who knows I adore champagne. I couldn't have been happier!
Y de postre tocaba un pastel de limón, chocolates y Veuve Clicquot, traído por el generoso Alex que conoce mi pasión por el champán. Estaba super feliz!
Then Rachel got the bottle of Absolut out...
Luego Rachel sacó la botella de Absolut...
And we ended up here. With Jaegerbombs in Duke Box. 
Y acabamos aquí. Con Jaegerbombs en Duke Box. 
It was so fun seeing everyone and it just reminded me how much I miss them all. We have all become adults (well sort of) since leaving university and I am glad they haven't disowned me for moving to Spain instead of making the big move to London. 

Fue lo mejor ver a todos mis amigos y me di cuenta lo mucho que los echaba de menos. Ya somos verdaderos adultos (bueno mas o menos) y me alegro que me sigan queriendo aunque decidí quedarme en España en vez de mudarme a Londres. 


  1. Isn't it great to have such good friends!

  2. This is so cute. I love how it turns into a more drunken affair with every photo

  3. It certainly does Kyra. My friends are a bad influence on me! haha
